Elim Junior Academy

Elim Junior Academy provides a Christ-centered learning environment for the educating of students' Head, Heart, and Hands.

What We Teach

Published: July 29, 2021      Updated: June 25, 2024



The school follows the curriculum guide outlined by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, the Southern Union Conference, and Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

We offer the following subjects:

      Art                                                                                     Music

      Bible                                                                                 Physical Education    

      Language Arts                                                            Science

      Mathematics                                                               Social Studies


EJA also offers:

  • Music Education - Choir
  • Outdoor Education (Grade 6).
  • Spelling Bee
  • 4-8th Grades Class Trip/Field Trips
  • Community Service
  • Robotics/STEM Club
  • Title 1Remediation in Reading and Mathematics
  • Hot Meals (Breakfast and Lunch, which are free to all students)

          Grading    System                                                        Grades K-2   

                                        I– Achieves objectives and performs skills Independently

                                       P– Progressing toward achieving objectives and skills

                                       NT–Needs more Time to develop                

                                       N/A– Not Applicable

                                                                                   Grades 3-8

                       A 90-100         B 80-89           C 70-79           D 60-69       F 59 and Below

                               The four point system determines the grade point average (GPA)

                                           A= 4.0, B= 3.0, C= 2.0, D= 1.0, F= 0


The school administers the MAP Growth Assessment three times per year. The results of these tests will be discussed with parents, guardians and students during Parent-Teacher conferences. One copy of the results will be placed in the student’s permanent record, and another sent home.



Students must maintain a minimum “P” (K-2) or “C” average (Grades 3-8) or its equivalent in all subject areas to be promoted to the next grade. Exceptions will only be made when in counsel with the parent, teacher, and principal and it is proven that repeating a grade would be of absolutely no benefit to the student.